Wednesday, 13 January 2010

Placement: REDC Marketing (Aug-Sep)

I am currently on my year out of university as part of the sandwich year of my BA (HONS) Creative Imaging: Graphic Design course which is to go out and get some work experience in industry. I am a little behind in starting my blog, so I will start with my first placement of August '09' which was at a company called REDC Marketing.....

Gaining experience at REDC Marketing was exciting in a variety of ways. For example, two weeks into my placement at REDC I was concepting ideas for a marketing POS (Point of Sale) campaign for a East Anglian DIY company called Ridgeons and the next day I took part in a role for an internet advert. You can watch the advert below, I'm the lad in the second scene holding the files.......

Whilst being luckily enough to spend time with the REDC Creative department, I was also very involved with the current briefs and it felt like I was part of the team. This gave me a great insight for what it would be like to have a job in a successful marketing company. I also worked on other briefs that were more graphically lead in terms of design and reprographics.

REDC Marketing also have a great 'blog' on their website, with various articles that are all about a number of debates, latest technologies, current news and a whole lot of interesting information that is very useful which is updated weekly, it has certainly opened my eyes.
Also on their website is a section called 'We Like', and this is a weekly 'show and tell', where one colleague from REDC share with the rest of their colleagues and everyone who follows their website, a book of creative content that they have come across in their life that they feel is interesting and would like to share.
So.....of course it came to my last week and Julian Gratton (the Creative Director) said that I need to bring in a book to leave in reception for people to look at and I also needed to write a short article about the book in order for it to be on the 'We like' section of the website. So I thought I would use my portfolio which I had recently made a bound book to represent.

Here is the link to the webpage about my portfolio......

My most memorable experience with REDC was being involved in the creative process of an advert that is currently on TV at the moment. It is a Cottages4you advert, and being part of the process from the start and then seeing the finishing advert is a great feeling.
Being able to contribute, brainstorm and discuss ideas and concepts with Senior Copywriter Katie Hanson and Senior Director Nick Cliffe was brilliant as they made me feel completely part of the creative team and were very willing to listen to my ideas.

Here is the advert......

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